Ten things a translator needs – number 10
Our final post in this series is about real-world knowledge. Translators obviously need a good knowledge of the subject areas they cover,...
Our final post in this series is about real-world knowledge. Translators obviously need a good knowledge of the subject areas they cover,...
Our penultimate post in this series addresses spatial awareness. That might sound a bit strange in relation to someone sitting at a desk,...
The subject of our eighth post is the humble printer. Such an everyday piece of equipment might seem an unlikely choice, but there is no...
This seventh post in our series deals with patience. A translator’s life sometimes has more than its fair share of frustration, so...
This sixth blog post addresses the tricky subject of openness to criticism. The reality of the translation world is that many translators...
Hitting the half-way point in our series, this blog post deals with the need for a backup strategy. That means ideally not just backing...
Item number four on our list is an awareness of typographical issues/conventions, which sometimes seems sadly lacking among translators....
The third item on our list of ten involves technology, specifically translation memory software, which very few translators can afford to...
In this new-for-2022 blog series, we’re highlighting what we feel a translator needs in order to do a good job. Having already discussed...
Welcome to our new blog series, which will highlight what we feel a translator needs in order to do a good job. Apart from an excellent...